Solar Panel Project Completed and Powered up

Solar Panel Project Completed and Powered up

2019-02-25T22:38:23-05:00January 15th, 2018|

We are happy to say that we have successfully completed our solar panel project by installing nearly 40,000sqm of solar panels on manufacturing facilities rooftops. Let’s take a first glance of how it looks like from the sky.

This should be marked as a milestone of Leadcom Seating towards our effort to guarantee power supply to manufacturing process and workers’ daily living, it also contributes to local power supply as the power we generated are far enough for our own use, therefore, the surplus power will be delivered to local power companies then to homes or companies that are power supply short.

” I’m very excited to be part of this revolutionary project, which changes the way of providing energy through a system that is more friendly to the environment,” said Mr. Liangzhong Lin, member of Leadcom Seating managing board. “Now that this project is finally completed, a big thank you must be given to all members who take part in this project, they make Leadcom Seating one major step forward.”

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