Leadcom Seating awarded Intellectual Property Management System (IPMS) certification

Leadcom Seating awarded Intellectual Property Management System (IPMS) certification

2019-10-09T03:32:39-04:00October 9th, 2019|


Leadcom always values the protection of intellectual property since the day we founded – from core subject patents, trademarks and copyrights designs, to ‘inventions’ or the specialist processes and techniques we have developed for our production processes. This August, our intellectual property management system (IPMS) received the annual on-site audit and was subsequently certified by the audit institutions after they conducted audits for all different departments involved. It will be the guideline for our company to plan, implement, inspect and improve our R&D, production and marketing.

In the past years we have already obtained 128 patents on a variety of topics; these are the result of the hard work by our colleagues with great value and originality. We will manage and protect them effectively as they are intangible assets to Leadcom.


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