Office Color Psychology – why choose white?

Office Color Psychology – why choose white?

2024-01-15T06:44:17-05:00September 22nd, 2023|

The modern minimalist style office environment has gradually become a current trend. The leaders of companies are getting younger and younger. The consumers of office furniture are mainly those born in the 85’s and 90’s. More and more companies like to buy modern minimalist style office furniture. When it comes to the choice of office furniture, both medium and large enterprises and small businesses prefer light colors especially white. A white-toned office can create a quiet office atmosphere, thereby improving employees’ office efficiency and bringing greater creativity. But looking at it from a deeper level, why do so many companies prefer white office furniture?

Advantages of white office furniture

The sense of space is another factor in choosing white for high-end office decoration. If your office area is small and you can’t decorate it to give it a classy feel, then white-toned office decoration is the best choice. White can increase the light in the office, give the entire office an overall sense of retreat and diffusion, and act as an extension of the space, making the office space look larger and giving people a bright and cheerful feeling. White is the main color, combined with a small amount of other colors, which will give your small office a bonus appeal.

Many people choose white furniture because it is simple, clean, and visually gives a great modern effect. This type of furniture is widely used in Nordic-style home decoration. Secondly, white can give people a versatile feeling of open space. For example, if white furniture is used in some small workspace, it can avoid a crowded feeling. Thirdly, white is a versatile color that can adapt to various styles and matching colors, which can save decoration costs.

The feeling of color is an important factor to consider when many high-end offices make decisions before interior design starts. Light blue is a color that makes people feel depressed and makes it difficult to concentrate on work. Black is a color that makes people less responsive, prone to fatigue, and sharply reduces work enthusiasm. Red is a color that makes employees nervous and irritable. Purple is a color that can reduce stress and stabilize emotions, but also makes people become careless when dealing with problems. Gray is a color that makes the office feel boring and monotonous. White conveys a pure and stylish office environment and can create relaxed and pleasant bright colors. Through an obvious contrast in the use of color, more high-end offices choose white front desks, white desks and chairs, white floor tiles, white columns, and white ceilings when decorating.

However, when these colors match with white, they can create a totally different appeal and design for your space interior. Different color combinations will not only affect the office environment but also affect the user’s experience. If you want to create a good and suitable office environment, you first need to start with color. So what color combination is suitable for office furniture?

Blue and white, a novel color scheme for office furniture

As for blue and white, as two relatively bright colors, they feel very good when paired together. For office furniture knowledge, blue and white are definitely eye-catching color combinations. It makes people feel quiet, comfortable and comfortable. The combination of blue and white can have a calming effect so that people can concentrate and feel very comfortable in such an office environment.

Black, white and gray, a typical color scheme for office furniture

For office furniture, black, white and gray are a relatively typical color scheme. The main matching of these office furniture is that the walls generally use latex paint, mainly white, and the colors of the office furniture generally and the combination of office furniture in gray and white colors looks very high-end and grand, and the black and white tones can make the light in the study room brighter and better.

Wood tones and white, a perfect pair to go with to make your office come to life

White and wood are both timeless basic colors in home decoration design. The combination of the two colors can create a simple, fashionable and warm aesthetic.

Mix and match, the most personalized solution for office furniture color matching

In addition to the more traditional fixed color matching, today’s young people prefer the mix-and-match style. However, what we must pay attention to when mixing and matching is to adhere to the principle of being mixed and not chaotic. We cannot just mix and match the style. All kinds of colors are included to achieve a more ideal unity, so as to reflect the fashionable and personalized office decoration design style.

Disadvantages of white office furniture

The disadvantages of white furniture are also obvious. The first is reflection. Reflection makes people feel uncomfortable, and this defect is especially obvious on white and shiny furniture. The second is that it is difficult to take care of and maintain. White furniture will slowly turn yellow and crack over time, so care must be taken to maintain it very carefully.

How should white office furniture be maintained?

  1. Tea cleaning method

A lot of furniture is spray-painted, and it is extremely easy to get dust. At this time, we can wrap some tea leaves with clean gauze, or dip some tea in a dry cloth, and then wipe the furniture, so that the color of the furniture will become brighter. bright. However, tea will almost always have tea stains. If they remain on the surface of the furniture and are not cleaned, it will affect the color of the furniture. The original white color is light and easy to see. Therefore, every time after clean furniture with tea, remember to use a soft cloth moistened with water to clean the remaining tea on the surface of the furniture.

  1. Milk cleaning method

When we talk about milk, the first thing we think of is milk for calcium supplementation and milk whitening. In fact, milk can also be used to maintain furniture. We all know that expired food cannot be eaten, and the same goes for milk. But don’t throw away expired milk in a hurry. It is still very effective to use it to maintain furniture. We soak a clean soft cloth in milk. After a few minutes, take out the soft cloth and use it to wipe the furniture. It is very effective in removing dirt from white furniture. Of course, don’t forget to wipe it again with clean water in the end. This method is very suitable for the maintenance of leather and marble furniture.

  1. White vinegar cleaning method

Mix an appropriate amount of white vinegar and hot water together, and gently wipe the stains on the furniture with a clean soft cloth. This is how we used to use vinegar to remove scale in kettles. Acetic acid can soften some dirt. This method is more suitable for the maintenance of mahogany furniture.

The above three points are the maintenance methods of white office furniture. You can refer to these methods when caring for white office furniture.

Leadcom offers a wide range of office furniture from flip-top training tables to meeting tables, to workstations, to chairs, and to complete accessories. Please explore our office furniture here and see what matches with your workspace best.

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