Thank you for being with us at Workspace 2023

Thank you for being with us at Workspace 2023

2024-06-04T05:19:06-04:00June 27th, 2023|

Thank you for being with us at Workspace

Leadcom exhibited recently at the Workspace held in Dubai. From the office to education and into the auditorium, our exhibition area showcased some of our most popular products in differing settings – training tables, workstations and office chairs.

Our team would like to thank you for taking the time to visit our booth at this year’s Workspace Index. We sincerely hope we were able to answer your queries as well as provide some inspiration with regards to seating solutions for your venue, and we look forward to seeing you at next trade show!

Workspace Index 2023-1

Workspace Index 2023-14 Workspace Index 2023-12 Workspace Index 2023-13

#public seating

#office furniture

#Workspace Index

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